All photos

It's been a while since I first posted this Blogg. I am pleased that I have a few followers, tho' I was hoping a few more folk would have had search for "that time & place" but, as I said at the beginning, it was all a long time ago now.

Never-the-less, in case anyone calls back, I'm putting up some more photos and hope the visitor may find (with amusement) that they are somewhere here. In doing so, I sincerely hope that no one will be offended. If that should be the case, just let me know & I will remove said image(s)
If, on the other hand, you would like a large image file, that I can do for you also.

 This was the Admin building...

 a young lady from Birmingham, I think it was.
 Camp site bar lady..........Brenda.
 L to R: Bob Piper and Ken Bateman.........both from London.

The following year I bought Bobs' Jag which went wrong.
I had to cancel my 2nd. visit to Safari to pay for repairs.

 not in our group.............
 The Camp site

 My mate Malcolm....
 Garry, left and Marty Kramer, as I remember, from a USAF base in the UK.
 Mo, of course.
 Another lady from Birmingham, friend of the for-mentioned.
 and here is her friend....
Bill Northage I think. Correct me if I'm wrong, please.
 and again, with Malc.

 Some local guys..........
 and the bar lady again........Brenda......thanks for the update Sylvia

looking towards the sea and the Disco..........

there's more.............

 Margaret Dougan & her pal Liz Milne, (centre)
 Myself with a lady from Admin (I think!)
 and another lady from Admin.
 Alan Wilkinson, (L) with Ken Bateman, both from London.
 general views of Tangier harbor.

 Thanks, Guys...

 Malcolm again...
 outside the Kasbah, Tangier, quite a few Simca Arondes as taxis............

 view from the bar towards the sea, Safari Village.
 outside Tangier railway station
 two taxis took us to Tangier, a day to Gib it was, I think.(!)
Going left, Marg. Dougan, Liz Milne, Marty Kramer, Bob Piper, Malcolm Peach,
& from the right..can't remember the lady, Robert or Tom Suter (?), Ken Bateman..........

 Marty messin' with the Bongos......
 some local guys.............

 some Kid............
 seafront Tangier,
 Kasbah view....
Me with an aerial in my head.........
 phase 1........
 and 2...........
 end result.

 I think this lady was from Germany. She was the Ski instructor.
 Camp site Union official............
 You can't see him here but it was Malcolm. Smooth so and so.
 whilst we were there, the site was constantly being expanded.
 Off to Gib, checking documents etc.
 The Kasbah from Tahzis' club. Might have spelt that wrong.

 Ski Lady.....

 It was a foggy morning that we left Tangier for Gib.

 shots from the cable car. Ken kept rocking the thing. Some were not amused.

 The Angry Friar, with Margaret D and Liz M outside. Ken was 1st inside. For a big guy he was remarkably quick when there was a boozer nearby.

 Mainstreet in Gib.
 Ken indicating the need for Crisps (or something)

Re Ken Bateman:
 I lost contact with Ken during the early 90's and have tried to find him but without success. At this time (mid 70-80's) he and his step-father ran The Friend-at-Hand pub in Russell Square and during the 80's were at The Royal British Legion, Kings Road.
If anyone knows what has happened to him, do, please, stop by to say. 
He was a great guy but drink Gin - Jeeezus!

 I remember him telling us all to keep back, when he skied, in case of a large wave.
 Oh Dear, Ken, he was such a case. If you are still about, my old friend...........

 For me it was a good day spoilt a little by shoes that were too small.
 The Rock.

 An inhabitant.
 Margaret Dougan.
 Inside The Rock.
and outside.

Well, if you came to look, these are all my photos. They were taken from Kodak slides and have survived the years remarkably well. These images were the result of a Fuji re-scan about 6 years ago. It was very worth while. The originals were under-exposed but, thanks to digital tech. the best has been made from them.

If any of you feel inclined to contact me I would be so pleased to hear from you. It's not too late to catch up, even for all the passing of the years.

This was my first holiday abroad, as a young chap. An adventure I shall always remember, new folk to meet, names in my diary which I still have.
Whatever, to any one of you, I hope that Life has been good to you. We were just starting out back then, all so fresh and full of it. Remember how it was?

Take care, you all,

All the very best from Bob Friendship.

Page last updated: 28-09-2020


  1. Great to see the photos Bob. My slides do not show much of the camp. I have 8mm film but again not a lot of the camp. The original brochure that I have has photos that I can scan of course. This was also my first holiday abroad. Took some searching to find anything about the village so many thanks. Graham (happy days).

  2. Graham, it is great that you stopped by. Thanks again for your memories, various photos and brochure. Get back to me as and when, mate. ATB, Bob F.

  3. Hey Bob,
    I came across your blog by accident and thought I would let you know, in case you are interested that there is a Facebook page for Camp Africa. In case you aren’t aware, CA started up just down the road in Asilah after SV closed. There are a few people who went to SV in the Facebook page

    1. Brian, firstly my apos for not getting back to you for so long. Thanks for leaving your comment and info, it is MUCHUS APPRECIATUS!
      I don't use Facebook and others, is why I wasn't aware of the info you provided. In spite of the billions who use SM I read the Privacy when they started out and decided not to join.
      By-the-by, ALL are welcome to stop by here and browse, leave their memories and such as they please.
      I trust you are keeping ok - time seems to be getting on rather.....!
      All the Best for now,

  4. I worked in both the day bar and disco. It was fun. Maggie was the medic. The bar lady in the photo was Brenda. She started off in reception then joined me in the bar. As the disco had to stay open as long as people were dancing it became the thing for each successive holidaymakers tried to outdo each other. The last Friday of the season they kept the disco and bar open until mid morning the following day. People were coming in after breakfast and couldn't believe it. Myself and DJ Alistair were exhausted.

    1. Sylvia,
      Thanks so much for stopping by and posting your comments. Most interesting, your expereinces there.
      Very pleased to gather another who was there and working there too - fantastic news.
      Did you know the name of the little lady who I am standing with outside the main building
      Anyways, I do hope you are are in good health .
      Take care, give us your update as and when aye?
      All the Best, Bob Friendship

  5. Just a brief update to say I hope all of you here are doing ok and well.
    My very Best to you,
    Bob F.

  6. Good to hear from you. My name is Mark Hobbs I was the camp mechanic/general maintenance from 71/72. Can post some pix which I have eventually found. I now live in Brixham, are you still in the West Country. regards Mark

  7. Mark, how bad is this of me? I own up to not checking the blog regularly and now you have stopped by and I have not thanked you.
    This applies to several others including Marion Ferris (I hope you will pick this up, Marion)
    How good it is to see you all stop by to leave your comments and reflections on Fun & Youthfull times so long ago now.
    I am delighted to see you come by here.
    If you would like to add your photos do, please, let me know.
    I hope all of you are in good shape and free from all bad things.

    Best to you all, Sunday, March 7th. '21

    Bob F.

  8. I was there, safari camping, asilah, september 1970. A wonderful vacation. Sadly my memories of the itinary are vague. Would love to hear from anyone that might ha e shared the experience. I recently went back. A totally different country from the 70s.

    1. Hi Pauline and wishing you a Happy New Year.
      It's good you stopped by & you are most welcome.
      You will see that I started the Blogg here several years ago now but I have been most fortunate to have content added by others who spent some time of their formative years at this location and I am grateful to them all (& wish them Best for '23 also)
      I can only imagine how much the area has changed in the passing of 50 years.
      At least you were able to go back & compare but undoubtably we had the best time at the Time of our lives.
      Take care, Best etc., Auld Bobby Friendship.

      One thing to mention: If anyone is using a VPN you may not be able to view all of the content.
