Bienvenue à Tanger

Bienvenue à Tanger 1971


  1. I remember the 'Ranch Bar' (above) it was the last stop on the 'Night trip to Tangier with CousCous Meal with the young local lad dancing, and Belly Dancing Show.
    It's ad said "Lips that touch liquor will never touch mine unless it is at the Ranch bar" Mike H.

  2. Quite right, Mike. Our lot paid a visit & handn't washed their hands before eating the CousCous.
    Several had the shites next day tho' I was ok.

  3. The 'eat with your hands' thing was introduced later, we started with knives? and forks. the hands thing was to save money washing up. an Arab eats with his Right hand the Left is used for 'other things' so if a Arab got his left hand chopped off for thieving it did not make him a popular dinner guest! I was a guest for a meal at a Palestinian Training Camp in Libya and a 1950s Enamel Bowls full of Couscous topped with cubes of meat in a tasty sauce where put on the trestle tables four to a bowl and issued forks. Each man sort of knew his quadrant and ate accordingly. I would 'sneakily' eat the food away from under a piece of meat in my neighbours quadrant so it would topple over into mine and immediately consumed. I don't know if he knew what I was up to but it was fun, and we defiantly did not use fingers!! Mike H
